Робота в Cronex

Основна мета Cronex - просувати дух свободи, можливостей і справедливості за допомогою простої у використанні платформи, яку ми пропонуємо нашим клієнтам. Маючи клієнтів по всій Європі, ми прагнемо наймати кращих і найяскравіших фахівців, які допоможуть нам перевершити очікування наших клієнтів.

Ми підтримуємо в корпоративній культурі взаємоповагу, позитивний настрій та працьовитість. Ми віддані клієнтам, сміливі, винахідливі, відповідальні та різноманітні. Як сертифікована компанія, що спеціалізується на фінансових технологіях, ми ніколи не припиняємо пошуку кращих способів вирішення нових завдань, і це завжди цінне ставлення, яке ми шукаємо в кожному члені нашої команди.

Давайте разом створювати позитивну та суттєву цінність для завтрашнього дня.

Поточні вакансії

  • Senior React-Native Developer
    • At least 5 years of experience in developing mobile applications with React-Native.
    • High proficiency in JavaScript programming language and React-Native framework.
    • Experience with Redux, MobX or other state management tools.
    • Experience with Git, and working in an Agile environment.
    • Knowledge of UI/UX design principles and best practices.
    • Experience with RESTful API, WebSockets, and other network interaction technologies.
    • Ability to write clean and scalable code using testing tools and patterns.
    • Experience with additional technologies such as TypeScript, GraphQL, Firebase, and/or AWS.
    • Strong communication skills and ability to work in a team, including experience leading mobile app development teams.
    • Desire and ability to learn new technologies and approaches in mobile development.
  • Senior Backend Developer (Node JS)
    • At least 5 years of experience in developing web applications with Node.js.
    • Strong proficiency in JavaScript programming language and its ecosystem.
    • Knowledge of Node.js frameworks such as Express.js, Koa.js, or Hapi.js.
    • Experience with databases such as MongoDB, Postgres, and Redis.
    • Experience with Git, and working in an Agile environment.
    • Understanding of RESTful API principles and experience with its development.
    • Experience with testing code and writing unit tests, using automated testing tools such as Mocha or Jest.
    • Experience with containerization tools such as Docker. Experience with AWS or other cloud platforms.
    • Strong communication skills and ability to work in a team, including experience leading development teams.
  • SMM / Content Manager
    • At least 3 years of experience in SMM / content marketing.
    • Knowledge of social media platforms and the ability to develop effective brand promotion strategies on social media.
    • Ability to create content that attracts and retains the attention of the audience, including texts, photos, and video content.
    • Ability to work with social media analytics tools and use the data obtained to optimize the promotion strategy.
    • Experience with SMM automation tools such as Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Later, and/or others.
    • Ability to create content calendars and plan social media posts. Ability to work in a team and coordinate actions with other team members, such as designers, developers, and project managers.
    • Experience with SEO and the ability to optimize content for search engines.
    • Knowledge of HTML programming language and experience with CMS.
  • Marketing and PR Manager
    • At least 5 years of experience in marketing and PR.
    • Ability to develop and implement marketing strategies to promote a brand, product or service in the market.
    • Knowledge of tools for market and competitor analysis and monitoring.
    • Ability to create and manage advertising campaigns, including targeted and contextual advertising.
    • Experience with various media formats, including press releases, articles, infographics, video, etc.
    • Ability to create content that attracts and retains audience attention, including text, photos and video content.
    • Experience with PR tools such as writing press releases, media kits, organizing interviews and events.
    • Experience with social media and ability to create content for them
    • bility to create and manage marketing budgets.
    • Ability to work in a team and coordinate actions with other team members such as designers, developers and project managers.
  • QA engineer
    • At least 2 years of experience in software testing.
    • Knowledge of main testing methodologies, including manual and automated testing.
    • Experience with testing tools such as Selenium, Appium, JMeter, Postman, etc.
    • Knowledge of programming languages such as Java, Python, JavaScript, etc.
    • Experience with databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc.
    • Understanding of the principles of web applications and APIs.
    • Ability to analyze software requirements and develop test cases and plans.
    • Experience with project management tools such as Jira, Trello, Asana, etc.
    • Ability to create reports on discovered errors and their timely resolution.
    • Ability to work in a team and coordinate actions with other team members, such as developers and project managers.
  • Crypto Trader
    • At least 2 years of experience in cryptocurrency trading.
    • Knowledge of the basic principles of cryptocurrency exchanges and trading platforms.
    • Knowledge of the major cryptocurrencies and their characteristics, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, XRP, etc.
    • Ability to analyze the cryptocurrency market and make forecasts on its movements.
    • Knowledge of technical analysis and fundamental analysis of the cryptocurrency market.
    • Experience with cryptocurrency wallets and payment systems such as Coinbase, Binance, Bitfinex, etc.
    • Knowledge of basic risk management principles and ability to develop trading strategies that correspond to the risk level.
    • Ability to work with technical indicators and automated trading systems.
    • Knowledge of legislation regulating cryptocurrency operations, including tax legislation.

Ви не знайшли роботу, яка підходить вашим навичкам?

Ми завжди раді мотивованим, допитливим і зацікавленим людям

Якщо ви не знайшли роботу, яка відповідає вашому професійному досвіду та кар'єрним цілям, надішліть нам ваше резюме та розкажіть про ваш досвід та знання. Ми обов'язково з вами зв'яжемося!

Будь ласка, надішліть ваше резюме за адресою info@cronex.io